Tuesday, November 19, 2013


delaney got a late nap on sunday so she stayed up and acted cute with matt and i.
matt was singing and she was looking at his so funny.
while eating her cheese.
(blurry pictures are the bane of my existence)
monday was a beautiful day! this weather is so crazy, i swear, 70° one day and 50° the next. i'm not complaining (really, i'm not) because i'm loving the warm days and i realize these could just all be cold days instead of cold/hot, it's just a little odd.
last time ellie was over she left a binky behind, and laney has officially adopted it for her babies.
aaaand herself. although she doesn't even suck on it, she just bites.
on monday morning i dropped the little girls off at alecia's and went to help shelly clean her old house. there were several women there and it was a fun and jolly cleaning party. shelly had donuts so when i left i brought one home for frankie. i thought this was classic, frankie enjoying her donut while i *enjoy* my rice cake. (they're not that bad)
we just couldn't stay inside on such a gorgeous day, so after addie got home (and after naps) we headed up to the park. matt insisted on getting the girls this balance bike that frankie loves. it has no pedals and she does a lot better on it than on her training wheel bike. i guess father knows best. ;)
we had our hoa meeting last night, which i wouldn't have normally gone to since matt had to stay late at work, but i did go to since chris needed to attend a community meeting for his citizenship in the community merit badge. we elected 3 officers for our hoa... should be interesting! and i hope not too pricey!
the girls were super good at the meeting. i had thoroughly lectured and bribed them, so i was glad both of those things worked. never mind that on the way home addie randomly threw delaney's shoe up at us (again).  we're working on impulse control. that's really a lifelong quest though, right?
this morning they posted the results for indoor track that i had convinced christian to try out for. he should get to school around 7:45, which came and went, and still i waited. 8:15 came and went, and still i waited. i didn't want to text him for fear it was bad new, but finally i couldn't take it anymore and texted him. he texted back "no." with 5 crying faces. my heart broke. he tried out for middle school basket ball (twice) and didn't make the team, then high school basketball and baseball and didn't make the teams. so to not make indoor track too? devastation! i asked if he wanted me to pick him up and go get some chic-fil-a but then he didn't text again for 20 minutes. when he finally responded, he said, "i'm kidding, i did." !!! immediate change of my sad heart. i am so happy and relieved that he made it. and now we're a track family. :)


Lana said...

whew! I'm SO glad he made it!

The Ainas said...

Oh we are working on that lovely impulse control too. I wish I knew what possesses these 5 year olds to do the things they do sometimes!