Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Day #4 - Yaquina Head Lighthouse

There are 2 lighthouses within an hour of my dads house, so we did those as a family while we were all together. Love these happy smiles.
And some more. Smiles and scowls.
First we walked through the museum. The devil is in the details, and this place was cute.
This was in the bathroom.
I love the little things that add up to a great experience.
And there was this little diddy. This could have been all mine if it wasn't for that hefty $49.99 price tag.
I wish we'd had more time to spend at this cute little museum.
With the baby of the family. Not a baby, but the baby in our family.
Then a short drive up the hill, and there she is!!! The first spotting is always the best!
We took a 45 minute tour with a cute little guide that pronounced the fresnel (freh-nell) lens "Frey-nel."
I loved what I learned about the Oregon lights, that they were all spaced about 40 miles apart along the coast, so that once you were about 20 miles away from one, you'd start to see the next one. I've never known another state to do that, and I love it!
And then it was time to climb!
Out of 8 in our group, 5 of us were afraid of heights. (Kristi, Frey, Taylor, Chris, and I. Non scaredies were Alexis, Matt, and Frankie)
Since this one is set on a cliff, it's not too tall, but tall enough to get a scaredy cats heart beating fast.
This little cutie is not one of those afraid. She just bounds right up! I am so thankful she's not scared!
Addie, who does have a healthy fear, chose to stay home and get some alone time. She was having a tough morning, and I respect her choice to give herself the space she needed to continue being kind. That's a lesson I need to learn. L
One by one we were allowed to climb into the lantern room and look around for a minute.
So gorgeous!
My heart. Oh to be a lightkeeper.
Dad (who was a non-climber) said he looked up and saw someone at the top so he snapped a picture, but he couldn't make out who it was. It was me!
Another snap and it was Matt! What are the odds?
All too soon it was time to descend the stairs and leave this beauty.
Could take pics of lights all day, er'ry day.
Simple beauty and elegance.
I could totes spend some time here. Totes.
We walked around and around and soaked it all in.
Just look at this.
Happy, happy!
The lighthouse supporter and one of my littlest lighthouse buddies. When these girls get bigger, we will be doing some serious lighthousing together!
We are so blessed to be able to explore so much of this beautiful land.

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