Thursday, July 23, 2020

Day #131

Frankie had an orthodontics appointment this morning. As we entered we were instructed to scan out left wrists and then it announced “normal temperature.” It felt very space odyssey. 

They had all their chairs spaced out and facing different directions and she looked so cute sitting across from me. After this she came over and sat on my lap for the rest of our wait. 

We both loved this picture in the office and since I only took pictures at the dentist office, I’m sharing it. 

She’s a sweetie. She’ll get her expander off next month and then we’ll wait a year for the rest of her baby teeth to fall out. Another year without orthodontia expenses works for me. 

Matt and i are pricing out closet options. All of our clothes are still in our formal dining room. We went to Deans and then to check out the Pavis’ closet. Both gave us lots of ideas and i have a better vision for what i want. Alli and I made Coq au Vin for a family in the ward. Making extra dinners is a whole new ball game with a helper! It’s ah-mazing. Bubba took the girls to the pool. We played a few games and dropped off dinner. Tonight we had a presidency meeting to redo ministering routes. Those always turn into super sized meetings - tonight’s was 3 hours. Another day in the books. 

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