Saturday, July 4, 2020

Day #111

Guest post by Delaney:

We woke up and had pancakes and bacon. Me and Evan wanted all the sausage and bacon and Evan kept on saying “I’ll fight you for it!” We split the extras. 

We took down both the tents and packed up the rest of the stuff. While we were doing the tents, Aunt Chantell accidentally dropped her chapstick into a place in the car where she couldn’t reach. I tried, but i couldn’t reach either. Uncle Dan had the idea to use gum to get it out. It turns out i was chewing gum, and Aunt Chantell had a marshmallow roasting stick so we put my gum onto it and then Aunt Chantell gave me a new piece of her gum. We got it out! 

Then when we took down the tent we had accidentally left some poles in the closet, so i crawled in and got them out. 

Evan went early to the beach to set up Our canopy and then we went. We swam and when we went into the really deep part mom kept on shoving me down so I could touch the bottom, and she held my hand so I wasn’t scared. We also jumped off the boogie boards and kayaks, I thought it was fun to dive off, and it was! 

We took a family photo and then we left. While we were going home we listened to Harry Potter and I had chips and a hello panda. When we got home we unpacked. 

After that we were all tired, so me and Frankie made ramen and then we went up to read scriptures, said a prayer, and talked as a family. And then we went to sleep. It was my second time camping! I found a tick during dinner, but daddy got it out for me. 

Side note by Michelle:

Somehow I didn’t take any pics Friday. 🤷‍♀️ We wanted to do another hike before the beach, but it was already in the 90’s, so we decided to skip that and just go to the beach. It was crazy crowded, so we spent a lot of time swimming past the enclave, out in the deep water. The adults would hold onto the ends of the boogie boards and kayak, and the kids dove and dove. It was fun to be just across the Potomac river from where we usually go to the beach at Newtowne. The beach was very different. It was more rocky at the beach, and then sandy in the water, whereas Newtowne is sandy, and then slimy in the water. Also, Newtowne is super shallow all the way out, I swear you could walk a mile and still not be underwater, but at Westmoreland it gets very deep very quickly. 

We swam and played till almost 5, it was great, and exhausting! We said goodbye to the Virginia Rays and then went back to our camp bathroom and everyone showered. It felt so good to be clean and cool!

We stopped into Gordmans on our way home because addie needs sandals and those are hard to buy online. That’s a super fun store, I wish we had one here. 

We continued our amazing family working together and got things unpacked, put away, and dirty laundry started quick style. We are in the very best stage! I taught Frankie and Delaney how to make ramen - best mom award. And a successful camping trip was finished!

1 comment:

Alecia said...

I am so glad you guys had a good time!