Thursday, February 5, 2015

the sprain

i was headed out to a relief society activity on a tuesday night several weeks ago. i was late, but i wasn't in a hurry, on my phone, or otherwise distracted. i stepped into the garage, down one step, and WHAM! i fell all pell-mell and twisted my little old right ankle. i fell in such a way that i hit the panic button on the car alarm and also landed on the paper bag of dirty diapers we keep out there. it was gross, but i couldn't move. it took me a few seconds to even be able to turn off the panic alarm. i thought for sure that would cause matt to come check on me, but alas, it did not. i called for him. nothing. i called for him again. nothing. i called to him one more time and finally i heard a scurry as he came out to rescue me. he is so good to me. i must have been such a pitiful sight (i really wish i could have seen myself fall, i am sure it was a super funny and ridiculous) and i seriously couldn't move. he wanted to get me in out of the cold garage, but because i was in so much pain, the cold felt good. my only request was for him to move the dirty diaper bag. :) after a few minutes, i let him basically carry me inside and to the couch. i have never sprained or broken anything, and oh how it hurt! it radiated pain and was immediately swollen. we debated going to the er, but after some good ol' google research, we decided we would take the rice approach - rest, ice, compress, elevate. feet are so ugly, so i cropped my toes to spare a little of the effect.
well hello there, cankle.
i rested the whole next day, and most of the day after that. matt was leaving town on sunday, so towards the afternoon, when i was still in a lot of pain, i decided to be better safe than sorry and get things checked. that way if something was broken, matt would still have time to reschedule his trip. as soon as i hopped to the shower, i started to feel better and pretty sure nothing was broken. it was not, just a nice little sprain. i never knew what a sprain was, but darn those ligaments hurt when they are stretched and torn. this was all i bruised, pretty lightly. i hobbled on crutches, tried out my big robo-boot from a couple summers ago, and mostly used my sports brace. 

it's doing pretty well. last week i walked to a neighbors house (pta biz) and by the time i got home my ankle was hurting pretty bad. that's going to be frustrating as i would like to be able to run again, and it's going to take some time and patience.

it's still a little sore and swollen, and i definitely need to do my stretches, but i'm pretty much back to everyday household stuff. i haven't tried distance walking or running yet, but with 15° tonight, i can probably hold off on that for a little while longer. and that is the story of a ridiculous middle aged woman spraining her ankle for no good reason. 

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