Friday, February 6, 2015

half sick

half of our house is sick. matt, lanes, and i are down for the count. i mean, down as a cold can make you. we're fine to work through a cold, we just don't want to be spreading germs and making other people sick.

this morning laney started complaining about her ear hurting. she did that a few times, and then just full on started crying. i called the dr because, in all my years of parenting anytime a child has complained of an earache it has always been an infection. i was finally able to coax her into taking some medicine and she started feeling better immediately. she also got over her fear of the dr and was all happy and friendly.
the nurse said "come here, lets see how big you are, big girl!" and laney said "i am not a big girl." then we all laughed about how every girl says that when she gets weighed. sick kid hijinx.
she was really good at the office, until the dr looked in her non-infected ear and she started wailing. he was a new dr (to us at least) so i don't know if he accidentally pushed his light in too far or what, but it definitely hurt her ear and she was pretty upset with him the rest of the visit. girlfriend can hold a grudge! after that we stopped by mcd's for a good girl ice cream cone. happy girl!
and messy girl.
she asked for sprinkles, so we hooked her up when we got home.
precious sickie.
after matt got home from work, i ran to cvs for some quick couponing and to pick up laney's rx. there was a beautiful sunset going on, so when i got the mail i snip snapped. (lexi reference)
we're all locked and loaded for valentines day. i love me a festive house!
when the girls told matt about watching jumanji, we discovered that he'd never seen it. so we had a movie night tonight since we had to skip out on the ward potluck. d-money did pretty well until bedtime and then started feeling sick again and had a fever. i was able to persuade her to take some more medicine, which took awhile to kick in, but nothing a show or two can't fix.
we've got plans for a science experiment, valentines making, sick staying-in kinda saturday.

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