From 2018: I had a good first day with my entourage. We had lunch and ice cream at Facebook HQ, and we only spilled like 4 times, so that was cool. Then when it finally cooled down we capped off the day with dinner on the patio. (we did more than just eat, those were just my favorite parts)
Cruising in the swagger wagon!
We were feeling all the feelings.
Max and Quinn were strutting around like they owned the place, as kids do when they’re familiar with a place and they want to show off. In a sweet way though.
D says two thumbs up for fb lunch.
We were quite the site. And sounds. 😂
Delicious lunch with real glass bottled drinks. Facebook swank.
These two were super buddies, even though Laney and Quinn are only 1 month apart. They were cracking each other up.
We ate most of our dinners outside in the cool Bay Area weather.
D loved all the dogs. And these big dogs are pesty, so that’s saying something.
More phone dumping. Fred Rogers. ❤️
What I want for my kids.
I fall into this way too often. This is such a good reminder.
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