Thursday, June 18, 2020

Delaware lights?

Mini break from COVID blogging. My phone has 15,000 pictures and over 200 videos so I spent some time with Alli wherein she finally just asked to facetime so she could see what I was seeing. I found so many fun pictures. Pretty sure this was our lighthouse cruise that we lost all the pictures to. Except for these few? I think it was a NJ lighthouse cruise.
If I remember correctly, Laura took most of the pictures and then something happened to her camera and we lost all of them.
It seems like we came upon these ruins and decided to do some trespassing and explore.
abandoned lights, like abandoned houses, are so sad. Once upon a time someone put money and time and care into these structures, and now they're trash. It's hard to see.
Traipsing through the brush. Laura was always down for anything, just like me. I miss her so.
Was this a Coast Guard Station? A range light? Who knows.
Was she turned into a private residence? Who can remember. Not me, and not Laura.
I do wish I still had those shades though. I love me a giant pair of shades.
For good measure.

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