Saturday, June 13, 2020

Day #89

Addie’s latest project for her art class. 

As I went upstairs yesterday morning for another ministering interview the girls sang “it’s raining meetings, hallelujah, it’s raining meetings!” to the tune of “It’s raining men.” It does feel that way sometimes. But I like ministering interviews. 

We picked up lunches and dropped Addie off at papas to resume her bi-weekly cleaning, and then dropped lunches for the Aina’s. Sarah offered to let the girls stay and play and even to feed them lunch. It was a deal to sweet to pass up. I was able to clean the kitchen #neverending and then do another ministering interview all in peace and quiet knowing the girls were happily playing. 

D and F came home because D had her 1st Charlie and the Chocolate Factory book club meeting that afternoon.

Matt and Frankie walked over to Ainas to swim, Addie had stayed there after her cleaning. After book club, D and I made some sub sandwiches and headed over for some swimming. 

The girls took a break from swimming to eat dinner. 

So many giggles. 

It was a good day for this crew. 

These sweet, sweet girlsies. 

We sat on my dads deck and ate and enjoyed the cool evening breeze. 

The expounding never ends. At least Ellie was super interested. 😂

After the fun and frolicking, we walked home and saw our first fireflies of the summer. This day, the first time each year that we spot fireflies, is always one of my favorite summer days, I love those beautiful bugs so much. In the midst of a global pandemic, racial injustice, and social unrest, this sweet day of summer firsts brought peace to my heart. The world is way more beautiful than it has to be and my heart is full of gratitude. 

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