Monday, June 15, 2020

Day #91

Hoping this might be a fix for the picture problem, and how cute is this big kid?
Sunday was nice. I read the handbook chapter for ward council in the morning so I had it done early. We did both church classes and then had a nice sacrament meeting where we talked about the plan of salvation and practiced the girls primary songs. Ward council was fine, and then Tim and I had a stake missionary correlation meeting. The stake presidency and mission president attend these monthly meetings and it's so nice to have so much facetime with the mission president. Kitty shared some thoughts and she is always wonderful, it was just a really great meeting.

And then I came downstairs to the smell of dinner cooking. I've been trying to get Matt making sunday dinners a thing for almost 14 years now, and it's finally taking off. I had to plan it and tell him what to make, but I'll take it. We watched Heart and Souls, which is one of my favorite old movies and it was just a really nice day. 

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