Saturday, June 27, 2020

Day #104

I sent Frankie up to get out our tutoring gear and she had written this in our spell checker.  She’s a keeper. Also, only 16 more days to have that gross carpet. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ

We went to the pool and the girls laughed and laughed when they jumped in and said it felt like swimming in jello. ๐Ÿคท‍♀️

Protecting the face is important. 

We just found this Quinn hand me down suit and Frankie swears she’s gonna wear it every day. So far, she’s not been wrong. 

Delaney came to cuddle with me and I asked how she’d scratched her ear. Then I got a closer look and I was pretty sure it was a tick. Of course Matt was at work, Laura moved, and I’ve never removed a tick. Sarah agreed she’d do the procedure, so my dad came and picked her up and took her for the procedure. Sometimes I am so helpless. I think I’ll take out the next one though. ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป 

We got home and showered and packed. My dad took A and F for their adventure, and then after D’s book club, she and I walked over. My girls like to be prepared. 

She talked non stop the whole way. We talked about attack dogs, penguins, college, and she also told me solemnly that she would never be a double dater. I explained to her what double dating means and she confirmed that she thought it meant cheating. Oh how I love this girl!

Matt and I got packed up and headed to the wharf. I have never kayaked Macintosh Run and we set out to go up and back. 

I’ve already got my summer tan on my feet with my Tiva cross cross pattern. Tiva’s are bomb. 

We weren’t sure if we’d make it, but we decided to give it a whirl. 

Looks like we made it! We got out at the winery just for a few minutes and then went to make our way back. 

I was a little worried about not beating the sun, but we timed it perfectly for a beautiful ride home. 

All day there was a warm and pleasant breeze and it was just so sweet to be out with Matt getting exercise and alone time. We went to Food Lion for ice cream and appetizers because we’re classy. We watched Jobs on our HBO that I cancelled one day late so we have for another month, ate wings, cheese sticks, and poppers, and enjoyed a quiet evening without putting anyone to bed. Happy 14 years to us!

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