Sunday, June 21, 2020

Day #90 pictures

Since I was having blog problems last week, the pictures will be separate. Chris and Kyla have been friends since high school and now they’ve been in their cute house for a week. It’s not my favorite living situation, but they are just friends and good friends can be hard to come by. 

Delaney was hot stuff working that uhaul. 

We recorded the girls “I am a Child of God” for our Father’s Day gift for the men in the ward. Delaney is a hot mess, but they did it and perfect is the enemy of progress. 

Valentino’s birthday parade festivities. 

Our parade. 

Lucky ladies eating pizza and cake in the JGG. 

Frankie ordered  herself a mermaid tail and was so excited when it came in. She’s wanted one for such a long time and with quarantine was actually able to save money because we didn’t go anywhere and they were super good with piano. 

Mermaid fin and flippers. *requested shot 

My dad got this one. Look at that straight body!

So summery. 

So nerdy. 

Happiest mermaid. 

Addie stayed home from the pool and worked in her mandala game. 

And there are the missing pictures. 

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