Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Day #102

First of all - 14 years! Matt and I have been married for 14 years today. Look at us now!

I went for a bike ride this morning and then at 11 the girls and I went to Ann Marie Gardens. This guy met us there. 

And he took loads of nice pictures. 

Online shopping is hard, as evidenced by Addie’s pants

It was a nice cool day, especially under the shade of all the trees at the gardens. 

Frankie was so excited to play “family” and there was some discussion about who Isla would belong to. You can see her really mothering Adeline here. 

We’ve got some cute kids. Frankie brought her new costume vest along with her and the littles won turns to wear it. Brandon had won the turn for this picture. He looks amazing in his he sequins. 

We ❤️ a silly shot. 

And the classic walking pic. 

We sat in the Fairy Lolly while the kids frolicked for hours with very few squabbles.  

We did our obligatory walk around the sculpture garden. They had QR code’s we scanned and the kids got to watch videos of fairy’s talking about Ann Marie Gardens. It was cute. 

They’ve added fun activities to the path. This one was like hop scotch, but with the alphabet. 

Delaney had been loudly complaining about being thirsty and wanting to quit the walk, but when we came upon these fun activities it was a miracle and she recovered enough to run, skip, and jump her way through. 

Foxes will always make me think of Harvey. 💕

We had baked potatoes for dinner and then Addie made brownies for her young women activity to share over Zoom. The little girls played with the reusable stickers we found and revived in our art desk. 

During scriptures I got a text for Addie to go out and check the garage for a gift. She would have been spending her first week at girls camp had life not flipped upside down, and the older yw are doing secret sister gifts for the younger young women. It’s so thoughtful and she was so excited!

Have I shared this before? Either way, it’s good to share again. 

One of my absolute favorites. I also love thinking women and have raised one and am deep in the thick of raising three more. Emmeline Wells was amazing. 

I have so many questions! Always! We used this quite during our scripture study tonight and the girls asked such beautiful questions. 

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