Wednesday, May 22, 2013

mother's day trip - cape lookout lighthouse #5

we woke up early Saturday morning and had breakfast with one of Laura's old friends alecia and her baby.
we ate a nice breakfast and then drove about an hour (via the local wally to peruse cheap souvie's, no luck!) to calico jack's to catch our ferry over to the cape lookout lighthouse.
I was a little nervous that I might get sick with all the ferry ride's, especially because it was threatening to be stormy on Saturday and was very blustery. but it was great! I felt great on every boat ride, it was awesome.
and we're on our way again!
we stopped and watched the wild horses for awhile. they are amazing!
and then we stopped and looked at the lighthouse while the captain gave us a little history.
isn't she pretty???
we laughed and laughed about this picture because it looks like darlaina and I are getting cozy!
we asked a nice lady to take our picture. she included her finger too. :)
then we got a good'ish one.
the one bad thing about our whole trip was that we weren't able to climb the cape lookout lighthouse... we missed it by 4 days! we had a strategy though. we were going to beg, and cry, and tell them all about the 17 children and 4 husbands we had left at home and how much we wanted to climb... it didn't work. :(
it turns out that there are 2 volunteer couples that live on the island and run the store and the lighthouse and neither couple (so they claimed;) had a key. can't blame us for trying, i guess.

we tried to get in!
oh, we tried!
wishing that they would feel sorry for us and let us in!
shelly wanted a pic of me in my mobsters dress in front of the black diamond of the lighthouse...
and in front of the white.
it wasn't a very warm day, but the difference in temperature between the white and black sections was crazy!
we so wanted to climb her!
the lighthouse keepers home has been restored and was super cute.
lighthouse buddies!
and the new lighthouse buddies!
we had enough time before our ferry came back to run to the other side of the island and check out the beach. after more pictures, duh.
we're standing where the old cape lookout lighthouse used to stand. laura and i brought home little pieces of brick from the old lighthouse. cause we're cool like that. still not sure what to do with mine, but whateva'.
we walked along the beach for awhile and we each filled our cups. if i could just bottle up that feeling and open it slowly as the days get stressful... oh, it would be wonderful.
yup, cup filled.
we will be back, cape lookout lighthouse.
we will be back.
after all the pictures we had to run to catch our ferry as it was floating away (3 minutes early, i might add). picture 4 crazy mama's yelling "wait!" as they run along a dock. okay fine, just one crazy mama did that. i'll just leave it to the imagination who it was. all i have to say is, it worked, captian jack came back and we made our next ferry right on time. so there.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I am pretty sure there was two crazy mamas screaming for that ferry to not leave without us. Which I thought was pretty rude since he had us on his list that we had to return on that particular boat...!