Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Day #164

Emmi enjoyed some tele this morning. We can’t trust T around him, so poor Em is banished to an area in the family room blocked off by ottomans and pillows. And don’t mind Tenkor’s doggie couch blanket. 

We spent the day at Ann Marie Gardens and I took 1 picture. But Lu shared this one of this excited cutie. He is the best baby! Everyone took turns carrying him around for awhile, and then the 3 bigs took him on the trail and stayed out for at least 2 hours, and he was totally chill. He enjoyed toddling around and eating and just being generally cute and fun. 

I took these 3 to the bathroom and they ran ahead of me and did this pose. πŸ˜‚ incidentally, this very picture helped us solve the case of the missing mask and narrowed down Ellie’s search for her mask. We noticed it wasn’t in her lap like D and E’s, so then she found it near the bathroom door. Thank you, Shiva statue. 

We ran a few errands after the gardens and Emmi got his nap in the car. And he was so happy at home. 

We had salad and beans for dinner, I don’t know why, and then Addie took pictures with my Apple Watch. There were dozens of these beauties. 

And these. 

And these. 

And one more. 

Lexi made my book pages and they were ready for pick up today. Giant book pages from 3 of our fav series - Anne of Green Gables, Harry Potter, and Little House on the Prairie. The pages were a smidge too big, so they look a little crinkled, but I love them. 

This is where I got the idea. Our babies are bigs now though, so big kid pages for us. 

In the ongoing saga of our Easy Closet, our corrected vertical came in today. Only, it’s cracked straight through the middle. You can’t make this stuff up. I had called them this morning and they are expediting correct cleats, and now I get to call them again. By the time all is said and done, we’re going to have enough supplies to make another closet. 

Someday she’ll be done. 5 hours to finish my left foot. πŸ˜” 

Bubba came over tonight and we watched Sonic the hedgehog which was silly and cute. 

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