Monday, August 24, 2020

Day #159-161

Thursday morning was a busy one spent running around and making sure the girls were ready and had everything they needed. We left just after 9, which was also v early for our Covid lifestyle. We made it and everyone was happy. After several kisses, Emmett walked on over to Isla with arms outstretched and gave her the biggest hug. Like, head on her shoulder, in it to win it hug. It was so sweet that we all just stood there ahhh’ing and then finally thought to take a picture. It was a super long hug and they were both pretty proud of themselves. Sooooo sweet. 

The 6 flags crew, minus Alecia were already buckled in the car, but papa got a few shots of what he could. 


Alecia sent a heap of pictures after all the fun of the day. Everyone said it was a great time and the little Rays are ready to head back. 

Lazy rivers, how I love you. 

Auntie Alli did the girls hair in cute r Aida so they wouldn’t have to worry about them all day. 

Sarah is such a generous kid watcher. She had the little Darrow’s and offered for Laney to come over to give us some Lexi/Em time. We had talked about making the day a special Delaney day, but also knew that she’d love to play with friends, and also moms, sissy’s, and aunties aren’t the most fun when you’re an 8-year-old flying solo. We did a hybrid day, with playtime in the morning and Delaney day in the afternoon. 

We visited with papa for a bit and then had some adult time at home. Bubba came over and the crew picked up d while i tutored; and took her to McDonalds for a treat lunch. 

We played games she chose and made her the center of attention. And then she let us know she was done and wanted to play alone outside. She’s always been a self motivated, happy to fly solo kid, so it was great.

That evening we had our first semi-in person Relief aiciety activity. 

RS oversees Just Serve, which is a really cool website where community groups can request service. There are all sorts of opportunities from gardening to piano playing to mask making to care packs. We had a meeting with Nola awhile back and we came up with this station activity. First we asked everyone to sign up to donate items for care packs for a senior center. That got people to use Just Serve, and hit on our innate desire to help. We had people drive through the parking lot and turn around, then Nola was at the first table collecting donations. We should have taken a picture because by the end of the night it was completely full. 

I was at the next table giving out our cute “You are the balm” chapsticks we had the Bainter’s make for us to give all the sisters on our visits, before the world stopped turning. 

Next were the cute missionaries who haven’t gotten to meet anyone and were so excited to actually have in person FaceTime with ward members. 2 of the missionaries are brand new - one within months (all during Covid) and the other within weeks. They had made a calendar on the chalkboard and after they introduced themselves, they asked people to sign up for times they can teach their family. Chelsea was at the last table giving cute lemonades and petits fours. It was a really fun evening spent visiting and serving and I’m so thankful for the sisterhood in our ward. 


The girls stay up really late reading. 

But by the time I got home that evening, which was sort of late’ish because Nola and Chelsea and I chatted, Frankie and Addie were out cold. they were so tired. 
This is how Emmi FaceTimes his daddy. He walks around kissing the phone, it’s so cute and silly. 

He loves being outside. 

And spinning. 

Matt and I went on a date to Target and Aldi one day. Papa and Alli had a date to get reubens at the VFW Friday night, and Delaney and Frankie managed to get invited too. We all did actually, but I had already started dinner, Matt was working, and Addie wanted to read. Delaney opted for Pizza instead of a sandwich, and I heard girlfriend ate the whole thing. 

Frankie also opted for pizza, but then decided she liked the sandwich and ate half of Alli’s. She’s our most adventurous eater. Also, when they went inside to order the girls noticed that no one had masks on and they whispered to Alli that they were really uncomfortable. Alli assured them they’d find a table outside and then they were fine. This pandemic will have very real and lasting effect on all of us in Some tough, and then some weird ways. 

We’re a family of book lovers. 

And Delaney loves Tenkor SO much. Don’t tell anyone, but I could probably be talked into a dog. 🤷‍♀️ I don’t even know who I am anymore. 

Oh 2020. I can’t even with you. I am glad Alli isn’t in New Orleans right now. 

More Laney and Tenkor love. 

And some Emmett love. 

He sat with me while we read scriptures and I studied his precious little toes, and I want to remember every minute. He is such a loving, happy, loud boy. 😍

I can’t stop. He’s just the sweetest!

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