Sunday, August 9, 2020

Day #147

Candid shot day

This is a candid shot I sniped of Delaney being sups drama about a fat lip she received when both she and Addie wanted to be baby poppy and then Frankie did something too. 🤷‍♀️ She realized she couldn’t eat with it on about a minute later. 

Addie loves caramel and found a butterscotch candy recipe a few days ago and today was her day. Unfortunately candy can be finicky. Her first batch burned, so then she was super careful with her second batch - she watched the temperature like a hawk, but it still got a little overdone. She said if we had any enemies we could give them a piece of her butterscotch. 😂

She also got to go to the new library with papa today. She was so stoked!

Just a days reading for Addie-socks. 

Matt worked today. He left by 6am and didn’t make it home till 9pm. Poor guy. 

Tenkor is so loved. 😍

I woke up this morning with a sharp ache in my right shoulder blade. It was so sharp it hurt to take a deep breath. Like a good little hypochondriac, I let Allie know my symptoms just in case it was a stroke. I kept my shoulder massager on it as much as I could. It still hurts, but I can function. Getting old is fun. Also, I’m not really a hypochondriac, I just think it’s funny. 

We played Qwixx and Toejam and Mario Kart. Alli and I gave each other haircuts and we’re all ready for Sunday. 

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