Friday, August 14, 2020

Day #152

We had a sweet thunderstorm this morning. It’s been dark and dreary all day, which is fine because we had nowhere to be.  

I r been making smoothies every morning and Emmy loves them. He’d drink, drink, drink and then chew on the straw. I think it felt good on his gums. 

Papa and bubba cane over and everyone played games. 

I made a big pot of curry for dinner and Alli picked up some naan. I threw in some tofu and some people were up in arms, but i thought it was super tasty. 

After dinner we played Disney Scene it and the girls loved it so much they asked to play every day. 

It’s Alecia’s birthday so I had fun looking through pictures to share. I put “Alecia” into the search engine for my blog and had so many results. It’s so fun to have so much history with friends. And ever since I turned 40 I’ve been teasing Alecia about her upcoming birthday. 

The thing is, so far the 40’s have been awesome. I wouldn’t want to do my 20’s or 30’a again. They were wonderful, and now I love where I’m at. Every stage has benefits and struggles, and I’m so grateful to go forward with all I’ve learned and achieved. So happy 40th to Alecia, you have some great days ahead!

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