Thursday, April 16, 2020

Happy birthday to Matt!

Happy day for my love. We slept in as a birthday treat. 

Addie wanted to make pancakes all by herself. She got everything measured out, but when it came to the very last ingredient, she put in more than double what the recipe required. We were already doubling the recipe, so then we ended up having to make it x5. 

She dutifully flipped the pancakes until they were done and we assured her these cooking missteps happen all the time, and that’s the way we learn. 

She also got her Readers Digest in the mail - always a happy day. 

This little note meant a lot to me. I don’t get much (any) time alone anymore, but i still would like to be working my way through Biggest Loser on YouTube. The problem is that YouTube doesn’t go right back to where you were watching. Matt wrote down where I was when I went up to my meeting yesterday, and left me a note of exactly where I was. It’s the little things. 

Today was a rough day. Matt had to go into work, he’s had to go in all week, so that’s lame. The girls and I worked on school stuff and then things went downhill. We’re all tired of being cooped up. We tried to rally and make the best of things. D and I made Matt’s cake and then i made 7 Minute Frosting. He requested lasagna for dinner which is easy, but i didn’t think about bread, so that was a fail. 

Dad came over and had cake on the deck with us, but it’s been chilly and we don’t have any patio furniture. 

The girls made nice cards and they talked about their fun ski trips that Matt is calling his gift because I’m lame and didn’t get him anything. I am struggling to get anything more than just taking care of immediate needs done. 
Delaney looked so cute sitting next to me during scripture time, but then saw I was taking a pic and looked grumpy. 

I’m so happy Matt was born today and also that tomorrow is a new day and will for sure be better. 

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