Thursday, April 2, 2020

Day #17 and #18

Another 2 days down. We’ve taken steps to connect the girls with friends. FaceTime’ing, where D and Sephie player Guess Who and Battleship and Abby and Addie talked for a long time and Addie moved all around the house. I also signed Frankie up for a Messenger Kids account because several of her friends invited her. 

Today papa came over and taught the girls how to make bandana masks. 

Our math for the day - learning 1/3’s. 

They’ll do in a pinch!

Papa took some pictures of the girls. I swear, they tell me they brush their hair every day. 🤷‍♀️

Ugh, Frankie. 

Tonight we made spring rolls. The filling and sauce were amazing, but we didn’t like the wrappers. 

Everyone put together their own and the girls were pretty apprehensive. 

We had home evening tonight and enjoyed some glittery Oreo trolls. 

2 days ago Amy came down with a fever. Body aches, headache, sore throat, all symptoms of covid. She had a virtual dr’s appt where they told her to isolate at home. She can’t get tested because there aren’t enough tests. I’m so mad. I’m mad, and sad, and worried. Medical workers don’t have enough ppe, sick people can’t get tested, and dr’s are having to choose who to treat. I just can’t believe this is happening in this country that I love so much. I pray for our leaders to make wise decisions, that scientists find success with their vaccines, that people will stay home. I’m so sad that my sissy has to go through this and I pray that she gets better. She’s been working from home and socially distancing weeks before we were. I wish there was something I could do, I hate feeling helpless. I know we’ll be ok. It will all work out. We can do this together. 

I’ve debated sharing any of this. But anger can be productive and I am working through it and trying to figure out my role in making things better. For now that’s just for my little family, my little circle of friends, my little relief society, my little ward. 

1 comment:

Debby said...

It is such a strange and scary time. Be safe, healthy, and hopeful. Keeping your family in our prayers. 💗