Thursday, April 23, 2020

Day #39

I wasn’t going to post about today yet because it was a tough one and I don’t want to be complainey. But I also want to be real and this is real life right now. I can say it’s a roller coaster all I want, but the bad waves still knock me all the way down when they come. Maybe it’s just a tough week? Idk. 

Matt has allergies this year for the first time ever. He mowed the grass last night and that set him off. He woke up around 2 sneezing and coughing, and that’s all it took to wake me up. It’s not his fault, but it is hard. I laid in bed till 5 and then got up and journaled. I finally felt like I could get back to sleep at 7 and slept till 10. So I got 3 hours from 11-2, then 3 hours from 7-10. I so didn’t want to work on school stuff all day, but here we were getting started after 10 again, and it’s my fault. That was ok though, we got started and everything was ok. 
We picked up lunch and it was bananas, word has gotten out that the lunches have improved and all of SOMD was there. Still fine, all good. We had lunch and I read another few chapters of our book. Super tasty chicken nuggets and tater tots. 

Addie had a hurricane tracking project that does not seem age appropriate at all. She was frustrated yesterday and apparently she wasn’t the only one because her teacher sent out a long explanation that didn’t actually make it all that much more clear. She worked on it for a long time. Frankie worked on her math for a long time. The day was grey and dreary, but not rainy, which i think makes it worse. 

Right around this time Addie broke down again. I tried helping her, but honestly, I was tired and my tank is empty and I was frustrated too. I sent her teacher an sos email and we figured it out, I think? Lots of tears and frustration. And Matt was supposed to go in to the office but didn’t because we’re all being careful with sicknesses and he also didn’t sleep well either, so that was frustrating too. And did I mention it was grey all day? I finally got a nap but still felt groggy. 

This precious boy brightened all of our moods. He’ll be walking any second and he’s so proud of himself!

I went to a zoom gardening meeting that was good and informative, and Matt went to a presidency meeting. It’s national cherry cheesecake day, so we made a (boxed, because someone bought it, definitely not me) cheesecake but found we didn’t have any cherries. That’s ok because they’re not a fav and we did our best. We started a game of Sushi go, but then disaster struck. Duh, duh, duh! 

Christian came running upstairs and told us the basement toilet had overflowed and we needed towels ASAP. One of the girls, who will remain nameless, used the toilet and apparently it really is just for show. I AM OVER FLOODING ISSUES. It gives me such bad anxiety and we’ve gone through this so many times. Something is seriously wrong with that toilet and we’re committed to figuring it out now, so I guess that’s good. And thank goodness Christian was here and was downstairs before it got on the carpet. Can’t even imagine if that would have happened. Crappy end to not the best day. And I didn’t handle it as well as I could and now I’m mad at myself which makes it even worse. Just sharing to be real. I know it’s not that bad and perspective and all the things. Tomorrow is another day and I’m looking forward to starting fresh then. 

And lastly, Addie finished her art project, a dream room in perspective. Or something, I honestly can’t remember exactly. And this was a dumb day so I’m not checking. 

1 comment:

Alecia said...

I wanted to comment but I don't know what to say. Wish I could hug you and these tough days away.