Sunday, April 5, 2020

Day #20


April fools day continues at our house. On Friday  “someone” drew mustaches and eyebrows on Frankie and Delaney. D’s reaction was not too far off what it was waaay back the first time this epic prank make landfall. She was not happy about it and after her own failed attempts to clean her face, required a warm washcloth and soothing momma. I heard about a prank where the parent switch outfits and thought it would be hilarious - which it was. πŸ˜‚ this was like our 10th picture because it took us awhile to stand like the other one. πŸ˜‚

I started crying as soon as the conference music came on. Like everyone else, I so needed this! And it was wonderful. I especially loved the latest session when Sister Bingham spoke about strong Latter Day Saint Women, and then president Nelson’s powerful last talk. The spirit was so strong and I am so thankful for his faithful, prophetic leadership, now more than ever. On Good Friday we will have a 2nd worldwide fast for relief from COVID-19. 

"For all whose health may permit, let us fast, pray, and unite our faith once again. Let us prayerfully plead for relief from this global pandemic," President Nelson said. "I invite all, including those not of our faith, to fast and pray on Good Friday, April 10th, that the present pandemic may be controlled, caregivers protected, the economy strengthened, and life normalized." πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• Fasting is hard, but I cannot wait. 

Between afternoon sessions we biked/ran to the giant hill in Clark’s Rest. I think I need some mountains, because i get such satisfaction from these big dirt hills nearby!

My Dad rode his bike out too and took a bunch of pictures of the frolicking. 


Frankie loves biking. Only her bike and my bike are not in working order. That makes it hard to do family bike rides. She either scooters, or  borrows addies or Matt’s, if it was as simple as buying her a new bike, we’d probably just do it, even though she just had a birthday.But 3 girls so close together can make this difficult. Should F get A’s old bike (which is actually alexis’ old bike) and Addie get a bigger one? Because also, D is cruising a smallish bike that used to be A and F’a. Oh, the 1st world problems we face. 

After running around on the hill, we came over to visit with papa at the nature trail. 

Love this baby bug. 

Sarah’s mother-in-law made us masks and I am so grateful! We will wear them around papa and if we have to go out and into any building. It just makes me feel better to have that little bit of protection. 

I’m a bandit. πŸ˜‚

And then a social distance selfie with all the biking crew. Frankie did not appreciate the way I’d tied her mask, so she was pouting. Addie fixed it for her and then she was able to get right again. 

Sweet tween in the front, sweet hill in the back. 

I’ve spent the most time running on this hill, but Matt found a cool old doorknob! Then, inspired by his find, I found this old piece of china. I’d love to know how old both are, and who used to live in whatever old farmhouse that is now home to another cookie cutter development. 

2nd sesh. The girls loved stacking, playing with, and eating the mini pb cups. 

Delaney made a message for her friends. 

We didn’t know how conference would look. We knew there wouldn’t be an audience, of course. Then, as COVID has spread further and further, we wondered if each speaker would speak from home. They ended up in a small auditorium with minimal decor. Only those speaking were there, and they socially distanced and sat the recommended 6 feet apart. Matt said he caught a back pat as one was sitting and another coming to the podium, but I missed it. 

These are historic times.

And lastly, this gem happened 8 years ago today. How did I ever manage life with these 3 babies and 2 teenagers? I see this picture and am amazed. And I also want to hold them and snuggle them close. We did that today, but a smelly 8year old is a lot different than a sweet smelling 2 month old, ifyouknowwhatimean

And lastly, lastly, some US COVID numbers for today. 

5 weeks ago: 69 cases
4 weeks ago: 444 cases
3 weeks ago: 2,826 cases
2 weeks ago: 25,740 cases
1 week ago: 121,285 cases
Right now: 311,544 cases

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