Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Day #22

I didn’t take any pictures, but it was gloriously warm today and we spent a few hours sitting on the grass with papa, and he took about a hundred. 

I narrowed them down to 3 of each girlie. 

Today was 100% more of the same. 

One exceptional thing - we all bathed/showered today. This has been more rare than it probably should be, but #quarantine. 

We had leftovers for dinner. Always important to remember what we were eating throughout the crisis. 

I had $30 in CVS bucks that were set to expire, so I took a page out of Alecia’s playbook and went shopping 30 minutes before closing. I made a couponing list, but went in with the mindset that it doesn’t matter, I just didn’t want to let $30 go to waste. I wore my mask and gloves, and when I took off my gloves to pay, I sanitized my hands. And then we had weird coupon issues, which I did not press on, the cashier was the one that was baffled and trying to get it to work. Pretty sure I lost a few bucks, but it doesn’t matter right now. I got some Easter candy and shampoo and conditioner. 

The girls have been more snippy with each other. And hitting more than usual, which is a practice I really hate and is usually very minimal. Not sure if this is because they are over tired (Delaney regularly stays in her room reading till past midnight) or just tired of playing with only each other. Another gentle “we’re in this together and we’re a team” family meeting scheduled for tomorrow. 

I normally wouldn’t sit outside doing nothing for 2 hours, and even today I had a nagging that I should be getting something done, but it was delightful and peaceful, and I’m glad we did. Finding the joy. 

Also, I love that we’re never late to get anywhere - that is a spot that I regularly get upset about slow movers, and that we can sleep and wake up when our bodies dictate. My sleep is still pretty crappy, but lucky for me, I can nap. I also love all this time with the family. We’ve played tons of games, worked on puzzles, and watched more movies together this month than we have in maybe the last year? I’m a bad gage of that sort of thing, and also tend towards hyperbole. We’ll go with a year. 

I’ve been stretching/yoga’ing daily and my neck and back aren’t in constant pain anymore. Yay! Now just to remember to keep doing it so I don’t slide backwards, which is my tendency. I feel better? Ok, stop doing whatever made me feel better. I thought by 41 I’d be better at this stuff, but turns out, here I am. 🤷‍♀️ 

We are doing well and staying positive. All well on this corona front. 

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