Saturday, April 11, 2020

Day #25 and #26

Tutoring on our bed. 

These are the perks of your mom being the tutor. She told me yesterday she was glad I get to tutor her and we can do it whenever we want. It’s not always smooth, but it mostly is and I’m grateful we’re able to do it. Finding my job was a tender mercy and Heavenly Father is so mindful of us. 

Yesterday was an exciting day! We had a scheduled outing! I excitedly watched the clock for when we could leave, it’s for real. We met down the street from the Darrow’s and had a birthday parade for Emma.

We circled the block once and then parked our five bmw’s (big mormon wagons) in front of the house and sang happy birthday. I got choked up, and then saw that Alecia did too and I felt better. Turns out every mom in the bunch did. It was so good to see everyone, even from a safe social distance. It was such a beautiful day and it seemed like it would be so easy to let the kids play on the play set there and sit and catch up about our lives over the last month. We threw birthday cards, paper airplanes, and gifts to Emma, and she gathered up her tokens of love. Frankie was a smidge jealous that she didn’t get a birthday parade, but we talked through the natural emotions of life and how it’s ok to feel our feels, but we also love our friends and want the best for them. She wrestled with it for awhile, but then assured us she ended up happy for Emma, and happy with her own birthday. I’m glad we can talk about the good, bad, and ugly of being human. 

We picked up our school lunch and then Addie asked if we could drive somewhere and not go straight home. So we went down to the wharf, rolled down our windows, and jammed out. We could have gotten out, but after being out and about for over an hour, I needed to go potty, and there were several groups at the wharf I didn’t want to have to navigate the girls through.

Addie says she needs a road trip, and it’s ok because it is a necessity for her. Me too, sweet traveling girl! Hopefully soon. 

The girls have a benefactress! They’ve gotten 3 packages for “The Ray sisters,” and they’ve been so excited! 

The first one arrived yesterday - a doodle art! At least that’s what we used to call them when I was a kid. I used to love these things! Weirdly, these girls are more sketchers than colorers, but they are enjoying their poster. 

Today they received another two packages. The first surprise was Magnetix, super fun!

The second was a book of crafts that I was assured is not hard and is actually fun. I have my doubts, but I guess will go with it. 

The girls got right to work. 

Papa lent Addie his camera too, so she got a few shots. 

Next for these lucky ladies, papa rented them Trolls for family movie night. It was fun and cute and after the spent several minutes being centaurs. Delaney even got to ride this one, but I didn’t get a pic of it. 

Thankfully Governor Hogan declared the Easter bunny an essential service provider, so he will still be coming this weekend. Phew. 

We also joined in the global fast. The day went quickly and I didn’t feel grumpy or headachey until the last hour or so. Each of the girls took part and felt proud of themselves. 

I also went to Aldi. I got to socially distance deliver a few Easter baskets from the optimist club, and one of the ladies asked if we had any vinegar. This lead to me discovering that my laundry and also my kitchen vinegar are both almost empty, and Christian used the whole extra gallon that I had cleaning tools his boss gave him. Easter weekend is not the time to run out of vinegar. We had several other things to buy, so I geared myself up and hit the store. It’s so stressful and I hate it. I wore my mask but decided against the gloves. Idk what the right thing is? I’m not sure when to take the gloves off, and I put hand sanitizer on several times while I shopped. I changed as soon as I got home, but am not wiping everything down or transferring containers. There’s just only so much I can do. We wash our hands before eating and hopefully all we’re doing is enough. 🤷‍♀️

So these are the superficial details of our days. Otherwise we are all doing well. Last night I sat with the girls on our bed and just talked. That was fun and not something we do often enough. They were more kind to each other today but still leave lots of little messes. We didn’t do tutoring or piano today. I am dreading having to manage 3 unorganized little girls in online schooling starting Monday. I’d like to opt out, but i am going to give it a try. Maybe it won’t be as bad as I’m building it up to be? Matt and I stayed up late talking tonight. Life is interesting and we are realizing the more we know, the more questions we have, and that’s a good thing. 

Today we talked about Good Friday and read about what our savior did for us on this day so long ago. He was so brave and kind and I love Him so much. In a crazy, scary, lonely world, He is hope, love, and comfort, and I am so grateful that He loves me in spite of myself. This was a hard week with so many COVID cases and so much bad economic news around the world, just as this was a hard week for Him. But we know how this week ends, and it gives us hope, peace, and comfort. 

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