Saturday, April 11, 2020

Day #27

Matt and I went for a long run this morning and it was a good run! I love turning a running page, and have my schedule for next week all planned out. 

Dad came over around lunchtime and we visited with him outside. 

Delaney rolled out of bed and began her day. 

Addie has a sweet tooth that rivals my own. 🙄

Frankie practiced her jumps on the scooter. 

Then Addie decided it was a good day to make a lava lamp science project. 


Addie was ready for everyone to make 2, but I nipped that in the bud. 

The lava lamps were anticlimactic, but they still had fun. 

And now they’ve got glass jars with food coloring and halfway full of oil, so what could go wrong?

Matt grilled up a few of our government cheese sandwiches for lunch. These are the sammies the girls get from school that they don’t love. 

More perfecting of the centaur. 

Tonight we painted eggs and watched Trolls again. 

We’ll read more about the first Easter and talk about the true meaning, behind the bunnies, eggs, and chocolate. 

And later we’ll have a surprise flashlight egg hunt.