Tuesday, April 28, 2020

California 2019

July 23, 2019

Off to California! traveling is so fun and we are itching for a trip. 

These girls are good travelers. 

They love the adventure and were so excited to see their cousins and to be that much closer to meeting Emmy!

We always play musical chairs depending on moods and duration of trip. 

Traveling anywhere is an all day affair. 2 hours to the airports, wait time, flight or flights. We arrive tired but excited. 

We made it! Amy and sandy were so kind that they let us have the house and they went to a hotel around the corner. Their house was the hub so there were always people in and out, and they felt like it would be nice for them to be able to have some quiet time. 

We were living on pictures of this precious guy. 

And cousin cuddles. 

That night we went to listen to music in the park. Any had planned everything and it was so nice. 

We made subs and they had all the picnic food we could want. 

The kids ran and played, the old man took pictures, it was a great night. We got to meet sandy’s family and they are from New York with accents and all, so they were loud and fun. 

Cousin story time on the porch. 

Traveling is exhausting. 

They had scheduled days for different groups to have lunch at Facebook. 

Our parade of a million kids was a sight to behold. 

Not sure where D was, but there’s l-r - Max, Quinn, Addie, Brady, Frankie, and Joseph. 

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