Wednesday, July 2, 2014

3rd annual Life's good in LG 5K

Memorial Day weekend brought with it our neighborhoods 3rd annual 5K and kids fun run. 

The fun run starts early and the girls are always hit or miss whether they participate or not. This year Addie was all over it!
That is a happy, excited, running girl!
She was good for one fast run around the green. Then she thought about doing the second lap, and got all shy again and stopped. 
And a picture of a picture from the official race pics. 
Frankie and Delaney, though they've been known to run laps around our house, couldn't possibly run around the green with all the other neighborhood kids. Super dad to the rescue!
Amy ran the fun run with Quinn and max, too. Sucka's. I stayed back to take the pictures. 
They did it! We had really talked up the race and the medal the girls were going to get, so they were all thrilled to finally have their necklaces. 
One of Frankie's official race pictures. That stink eye!
After the fun run the girls did some sidewalk chalk and checked out the fire trucks. 
Frankie was the only little that wanted to get her face painted. 
She was such a proud little tiger! Seriously, she loved her makeup! Hot stuff!
After we got the girls all situated with a super thrilled Alexis and kimmy, it was time to start our race. 

I was able to shave almost a minute off my PR from last year and finished at 25:42, the 16th female finisher, and 45th overall. And I didn't want to die like I did last year, so that was good. (Last year my time was 26:36, I was the 9th female finisher and 46th overall, for future reference.)
Come in strong, Seagrove!
Matt ran too, and in a cape no less, but I wasn't able to find any good pics. Another neighborhood 5k under our belts

After the 5k excitement, we had just enough time to eat a delicious cleansing breakfast and head out to cheer Christian on in his Memorial Day baseball tournament. 'Twas a good day!

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