Thursday, August 29, 2013

list day and lexi's phone

i found these cute pics on lexi's phone. they have nothing to do with today, they're just amazing pictures. holding hands makes a happy babe in carseat. awwww!
flat ironed hair and glasses! so very hipster of you, addiesocks m.
today was a list writing, crossing off kind of day. i stayed in my momiform all day again. no makeup, not even the slap on of lipgloss and blusher before running out to the bus. but out of the 25 things on my to-do list, i completed 20 of them. pretty good! there were laughs, there were tears, (all around) but doggoneit, 80% completed is not too shabby.
look out on the roads, the girl's got a benzie.
cute straw from auntie henna. only, how do you clean a straw like that? i'm sure i don't know, so after a few glasses of milk, i had to retire the straws to the keepsake bins. the girls can deal with them when they get older. they're cool straws though, right?!
this girl, i tell ya. she's the total guniea pig of our family. how can i be the mom of a senior? when and how did that happen! i don't know what i'm doing! ahhhhhh! she's a loved little guniea pig, she is. #whatamigonnadowithher and #whatamigonnadowithouthernextyear
same ol', same ol' today. matt to dc, lex to school, then cheer, then church. chris to work - it rained, so chris to nap. addie to school - she came home with the broadcast box! excitement! and she's only the third student to be selected! she had to choose 3 things that make her special to share with her class for tomorrow. she chose to take some art work (because she loves it and is really good at it), a pic of our family, (because, duh) and some goggles (because nerdy girls like to swim too). frankie and laney and mommy and grandpa stayed home. lists, lists, lists. oh, and rhonda the roomba worked, worked, worked! she cleaned the basement last night, the whole top floor this morning, and the whole main level this afternoon.!!! matt says we need 5 more robots to help out. rhonda needs some cousins!
look at this crazy girl! so money!!!
this is one of my fav pics of lex and robin! it's from last years homecoming game. love these girls! and i can't wait for high school football season!!! go raider nation!!!

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