Sunday, August 11, 2013


joe, sara, taylor, joseph, and brady
amy, kristi, and quinn
my gang
and because it's my blog,
we get as many pictures as my little heart pleases.
and you know big mama loves pictures.
i love these people!
and there.
 that's enough. ;)
da boys.
frey and taylor.
alli was a good sport about being alone.
and just look how adorable she is!
tommy, bonnie, anthony, and baby boy seagrove - coming soon!
the moms and pops!
did someone say adorable?
the sibs!
i'm not sure...
one of our traditions is the totem pole. it's getting a little harder as we are getting older and... well, bigger.
and apparently i find the totem pole hilarious!
i love family picture hour!

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