Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Skin and stuff

The day after L&C flew in Addie woke up like this. She'd been a little red and rashy in the face the night before, but this was nuts. 

Off to the urgent care we went. I joked that Addie just wanted some quality time with me. 

Anyone that saw us, even at the urgent care saw Addie and stared at her with a "bless her heart" expression. 

Lex and cade watched the little girls since matt was working the navy, and I was texting Lexi back and forth. She reminded me of a picture Christian had sent me and an allergic/swollen issue he had. I spliced their pictures together to create this. What's wrong with our skin lately!?!

They determined it was an unexplained reaction and prescribed an antibiotic. So then we ran to Giant to fill her rx, and then killed time waiting for it to be filled at target. She started looking better almost immediately. Sweet girl! Thankfully her skin cleared up and she hasn't had this exact issue again, but we do need to go see an allergist. 

And in random pictures. We've been to the pool a lot but I haven't taken a lot of  pictures for some reason. So here is one. 

The last week of school we went shopping for Mrs. g's end of year gift from F's class. One of my neighbors had given me a $40 Starbucks gc, so we stopped to get some hot cocoa first. We never do that because it's so extravagant, so it was a fun treat. 3 happy girls enjoying their cocoa. 

And then as we walked into target...

Silly girl. She wasn't too upset about it, even though she spilled it all over herself and it splattered on me and the other girls. 

Since she had taken like 5 sips of it, we decided to go back to Starbucks for a fresh one. I told the barista what happened, showed her the picture, and after a quick chuckle she made Delaney a new one for free. I❤️  good customer service. 

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