Thursday, July 13, 2017

July 2nd

Delaney didn't want to go to class one day. I tried all of my tricks and nothing was working. I finally had a stroke of genius and went to class with her. 

I loved seeing laura teach and seeing these cute kids in their class. It was fun to help teach them!

That day I taught RS. I have felt prompted to learn more about pornogrpahy, to deshame and learn how to connect our way out of some really destructive habits. We need each other to make it through this crazy mortal experience, and we can't be there for each other if we're busy judging and shaming. There's a very well known scripture story in 1 Nephi about the Iron Rod. Nephi sees people in a vision walking along the iron rod and holding to it. They go through mists of darkness and people mocking and shaming them, and then they finally reach a beautiful tree and partake of delicious fruit. But even then there is a group that leaves because they can't stand the mocking and shaming still coming at them. I really pondered this vision and saw so much more than I've seen before. There were some great points made about how all along the journey those holding to the rod might have been hurting each other with complaining and bickering, but the thing that I really came to is this. What if those that had made it to the fruit and had partaken could have held hands. The 'strong' could have held to the ones that felt ashamed, let them lean on their strong shoulders and lift their hands that hang down. They could tell them, it's ok, I know it's hard, but you can do this, WE can do this together, I will be strong for you and we can hold to the rod together, because sooner or later I will need to lean on you and have you be strong for me. To me that is so powerful! The lesson started off slowly and everyone was quiet, but then people warmed up and it was a really good, needful discussion. Shame needs darkness to continue, so if we can shed some light on it, we can change the culture of our church, and we can change the world. I believe we can do it. 

That night we went on a Mormon parade with Streeter's and Martines. This picture Frankie asked me to take of her in the bushes is the only one I took. 

And then back to Streeter's to celebrate cute  alva's birthday. I'm so glad their 2 year MD assignment has turned into 4+ years!

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