Sunday, August 7, 2016


Navy weekend means I have to have everyone all dressed and completely ready before i leave, which isn't all that different from other Sunday's, but for some reason since its Chris I'm leaving the girls with, it feels more urgent. Sarah picked me up today so I wouldn't have to drive Christians car. The girls kept me company while we waited outside for her.
I taught today about family history. I'm grateful to have experimented on the word and know the blessings that come from it. My family needs those blessings, and I'm grateful for them. And after church waiting for Bubba to be done with a meeting.
The EQ is in charge of the quarterly goal this quarter, and the focus is emergency preparedness. They gave us a challenge yesterday to bug out and time ourselves to see how long it would take. Our 72 hour kits are about 10 years old, and we only have 4, soooo I was pretty sure we weren't in good shape. But we figured we'd play along anyway. So for our FHE activity (lanes taught a cute lesson with the Mormon message about the spray painted bike) I whispered to Matt what we were doing, and 10 seconds later we'd explained to the kids and were off! I grabbed our 72 hour kit (Matt's still in so much pain!), sent Addie and Chris down to the basement for extra granola bars, everyone grabbed shoes, and we were in the car in 1:36.08. Then we realized we'd need water, so that took an extra minute to grab a couple cases of water bottles from the basement. And voila! (We FaceTime lexi during FHE whenever we can)
We watched Olympics tonight. Synchronized diving, gymnastics, and swimming. The girls are gymnastics crazy now. They were cart wheeling, hand standing, and dancing up a storm. I remember doing the same thing when I was their age. Gymnastics is timeless!
After the girls went to bed, we went through our 72 hour kits. Pretty much everything is expired. I think expired is better than nothing, but we will still work on updating. 

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