When Matt got home from work yesterday he went out to water the garden and found some huge cucumbers we never knew we had. They either grew really fast or we don't pay too close attention to our garden. I'm gonna go with the first one.

After eating some seriously fresh and delicious cukes, we headed out to the Twilight Concert Series at our little college close to our house. We've been meaning to go all summer so it's fitting that we would make it to their very last concert.
The night was beautiful and the weather perfect!
And I was in the mood to take pictures!
Here's Addie's standard lately.
Can't you just hear it...
"NO cheese!"

She is such a sweet lovey girl! I love the way she's hugging onto my arm, like she just can't be close enough. I seriously heart that kid!

And she seriously hearts her dad.
She has so much fun playing with Matt, I just love to watch them!

love the rapid fire of my camera, so here I am catching Addie running from daddy to mommy.
You can almost see the goofy, kiddy way she runs, just without a care in the world.

In these last three the only difference is her dress catching the wind.
I thought it was cool.

They hung out with Frankie and I until the second half started and then they were off on an Addie/Daddy adventure.
A little hide'n'seek.

After a marathon feeding session Frankie powered down.

Then I started playing with my camera settings. I turned it to ISO and really liked the way the pictures looked until I downloaded them on the computer and noticed they're really grainy.
Maybe I'll research what to do with that setting, orrrrrrrrr someone could just tell me. ;)

This morning I gave the girlies pedi's. It was Frankie's first. At bathtime I tried to get some cute shots of our tootsies. Didn't work out to well.
But couldn't you just eat these piggie's up?
henna, i don't want to alarm you, but fwankie has a kankle. a really adorable kankle, but a kankle nonetheless.
a basic ISO class... the brighter it is outside the lower the ISO.. the darker it is, the higher you set it :)
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