Friday, July 23, 2010

Daddy's coming!

I am a safe blogger.
And because I am so safe I haven't mentioned, even though I've wanted to, that Matt has been out of town for the last



I have to admit, at first I was a little bit excited.
I think absence makes the heart grow fonder and I had visions of staying up late at night, girl time, and not making dinners for



And the first week it was pretty nice. I got a lot done. I was staying up late and catching up with friends
(it's not that I can't stay up late when Matt's around, but I'd rather be cuddling!;).
Lexi and I hung out a ton and had slumber parties and loads of fun.

But this week has been not-so-hotso.
The babies are babies.
Addie has decided to end the not-throwing-diapers-off-at-nap/bedtime hiatus.
So I've changed sheets and bathed her twice a day.
For the past



Lexi left on Monday and although it's been nice not having to run around as the chauffeur, she's kinda my right-hand girl and I miss her.

And I miss Matt.

And I miss Christian.

And then I started feeling all sorry for myself because everyone's off having fun and I'm here with the babies.
And they are babies.

But, I had my pity-party and I'm done.
Thanks to good friends who took Addie today, I had the whole morning to clean and the house is spotless.
(wonder what it says about me that when given a morning without the 2-year-old I choose to clean.)

I didn't get as much done this


as I thought I would, even with having time off from my chauffeuring duties and dinner making. It's amazing how having a 4 month old attached at the hip and a 2 year old to chase after slows you down.

Now I'm super excited to see my hubby tonight. :)
And maybe even more excited to leave the house flying solo tomorrow.
Cause Daddy's coming!!!

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