Frankie thinks she can just come up here and be all "I'm taking over the monthly updates!"
I don't think so. On this, the 2 year anniversary of my very first post, I thought I'd take over and show that baby how it's really done!
Here I am showing my dad how the watering is really done.

Here I am showing my dad how the watering is really done.

I am growing so much! I only weigh about 25 pounds but I'm super tall, like 90th percentile, baby!
(my mom would tell me how tall I am but she, um, doesn't quite remember:)
Tall and skinny, that's me!
Here I am holding Frankie, she loves it, can't you tell?!
I'm still practically potty trained.
Here I am holding Frankie, she loves it, can't you tell?!

I say 'practically' because when we go places I wear a Pull-up, and that's pretty much like a diaper, so I forget to go.
You get it, right?!
I'm super smart, even though sometimes I'm too stubborn to show it.
I pretty much know how to count. It usually goes 1,2,3,6,7,8,10.
Pretty smart, right?!
I only do it when I feel like it though.
A little "Hands on the hips" action for you. I've been putting them there a lot lately!
I say lots of sentences now.
A little "Hands on the hips" action for you. I've been putting them there a lot lately!

Some common ones are -
"Mommy, here you go 'mote (remote), here you go."
"more chicken nuggets, Addie, more please."
"Fwankie, sleepin' no! Fwankie no sleepin'."
and then I help her wake up!
(I help her wake up a lot!)
When they ask me how old I am, I tell them.
"2, 4, 10."
And when they ask me my name I say -
"Name, Addie."
When they ask me a color I usually just say
"Unge" (orange) or "Green."
Green is my favorite, even though my mom wishes it was pink.
Now for some things I hear a lot.
"Gentle, Addie! Please be gentle!"
As if I need to be reminded!
Another thing I hear a lot is -
"Time-out. It is not okay to -blah, blah, blah-. That will be 2 minutes."

"Time-out. It is not okay to -blah, blah, blah-. That will be 2 minutes."
For some reason last month my time out time doubled from 1 to 2 minutes! What's that all about?! I usually have to do at least 2 time outs before I'll come around and apologize and fix things. But then I'm sweet like sugar!
Playing dress up with sissy's ring, and mommy with my baby, and hairstylist with mommy's headband, all at once!
I still hate naps and bedtime.
Playing dress up with sissy's ring, and mommy with my baby, and hairstylist with mommy's headband, all at once!

I've got a big girl bed and a big girl room, but I'm not sure how I feel about it yet.
See what a big girl I am?!

See what a big girl I am?!

I say my prayers like a big girl too. Mommy starts, but then I take over and ask Heavenly Father to bless mommy, daddy, Sissy, Fwankie, Bubba, Fwankie, mommy, Mike, David, Fwankie daddy, Bubba..." I continue on like that for awhile and then I loudly say "Amen!"
It's so sweet! At least that's what I'm told. :)
I love to read!
I love to read!
The other day I read I'll Love You Forever to mommy.
I read "Mommy, baby, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth."
And then my mom cried. She's so strange!
I love to sing!
My favorites are A Childs Prayer, Twinkle, Twinkle, and Frere Jacques (I like the "ding, dong, ding" part).
I LOVED that! You had me laughing! :) Abby tries to put her hands on her hips, but it comes out as chicken wings because she puts her hands at her armpits. Our girls need to hang out again! :)
What a cutie. Love it all.
oh addie, i heart you.
love auntie amy
Seeing her in the street, after I wonder at what her Mother is doing, I think of my Little Terror, Tom, and how he would 'roam' around the 'hood. Love this little adventurer!!
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