Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Last day of school 2023

At the beginning of May it dawned on me that school was almost out. But then May lasted forrrreeeevvveeeerrr. 

At long last, it was the last day of school. And that felt sudden again. Time is weird. 

I can’t believe these comparisons. Adi and Frankie lost their baby faces! Only Delaney is still my little girl. 

Haha, just realized she should be holding up 8 fingers for being a brand new 8th grader. Oops. 

3 more years. 3!

Matt was home that day and I recruited him to help me decorate outside. We couldn’t find sidewalk chalk, but we took crepe paper out and look who we found on our rocking chair. Big black snake. 🤢 Matt tried to carry him (via shovel) out to the woods in the back, but he wriggled into our air conditioner unit. And now I’m a little nervous to work in the front garden. I used the shovel to gently press each bush to give any little gross friends to get away. 


We’re so excited!

An hour later we had our second finisher. 

Matt and I headed up to walk the last day of elementary girl home for the last time as a student there. She was emotional. She’s been kind of a mess lately and I think all the big life changes have a lot to do with it. 


We headed up to the neighborhood ice cream social, which the girls decided they didn’t really want to go to after all and I probs should have just kept our drumstick box at home, but it’s always fun to see everyone and enjoy that last day vibe. So we did and it was fine. 

That night was ladies night, so we got all dressed up and hit up Panera because we’re full time fancy. 

Then on to the ballet. We loved it!

We cheered on Emma and Lily and several other friends as they danced through Neverland and it was so cute and original. 

Kindergarten friends!

Delaney even thinks she might want to try a dance class next year. 

We belted out Whitney Houston on our ride home and it was a pretty great last day of school. Bring it on, Summer!