Thursday, June 1, 2023

Back to now

Delaney is working camera crew for the morning news, and she made a dancing appearance on Friday. This was the best screen grab I could get. 😂 

We all enjoyed our Memorial Day Monday. We went to the picnic where it rained off and on, and then just on. Delaney was living her very best life. She was having a splash fight with Bruce and they were both sopping dripping wet.  

We came home and she went straight to the tub. 

Frankie went to her friends house and they played lacrosse and hung out. They’re a cute group. 

On Tuesday Frankie went to the orthodontist where we learned she’s got 8 more weeks of braces! If all goes well she should get them off before our big summer trip!

We had the sister missionaries for dinner that night, I made my fancy coq au vin, and while they were there D asked if they could stay for her Home Evening lesson. She made up cute scripture “tests” and graded them and everything. We love having sister missionaries!

Delaney got to perform in Comma’s in a Coma at school. She was the narrator and made herself a microphone that she named “Mike.” She memorized her part, so she performed for Matt and I. 

Speaking of Laney, this lucky duck gets to go to Poke Fest in NYC and Matt found these funny Pokémon hats for the Poke crew and she loves them! Biggest nerd. 

On Wednesday morning I went to my last Duke Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast. It hit me while we were walking up that we really are almost done with elementary school. 😭 It’s good, just weird. And I’ll miss volunteering there. 

Chelsea and I caught up while the girls were at YW. Since we don’t serve together anymore, and she got a job, I never see her. Frankie’s crew tie dyed. We ordered a white hoodie for Frankie, so 🤞🏼 it turns out. 

The first birthday card for the almost 15-year-old! June 3rd is just around the corner!

The girls were cutely cuddled up watching Line upon Line during scripture study. They’ve been getting along so nicely and I am savoring every minute of it because it’s not always rainbows and butterflies. 

This morning Alecia and I went to the temple. It truly is one of my favorite places, I love the peace that comes from time spent there. We ran into a group from Calvert RS, so we got to sit with Ginny and Elizabeth and crew. Temple day is always a special day. 

After school we all went to the Amish nursery and picked some plants. D got a Shrek Ear, Frankie got something furry, I got a basil plant, and Adi picked this aloe plant for Nicole. She’s been such an amazing seminary teacher that we wanted to get her a little gift - diet Dr Pepper, her fav gum, and some aloe. Nicole has fun lessons, visits with the kids, drives them to school once a month, gives Crumble cookies for birthdays, makes breakfast for them on special days, has a prize box, and just really loves working with them. She’s given Adi the best first year of seminary and we’re so grateful for her! She was telling us about how much she loves her 5 girls and she’s so excited to teach next year too. Love. ❤️

Tomorrow is a virtual day for the big girls, so I’ve got my first 2 alarms turned off and get to sleep in till 7:30. 😴❤️😴 

And finally a 5k pic from when grandpa was here. Delaney spent a lot of time in trees last weekend. 🤷‍♀️

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