Monday, June 19, 2023

Father’s Day 2023

I woke the girls up early to help make Matt a nice brekkie. Adi cut strawberry’s and she and Delaney procured the flowers from the neighbors yard (they’d already fallen), Frankie made orange juice and eggs, Delaney made the sausage, and I did French toast and fresh whipped cream. 

After we got him situated we enjoyed our delicious brekkie, then it was off to church. Matt ate every drop. 😋 

Adi gave her talk today and did such a good job. She wrote it all herself and I just gave some small suggestions and ideas. She looked so confident and comfortable giving it, I was so impressed. She also got called to be a ward organist, so that is big too. She asked me yesterday if it was too late to change her mind. She played at the baptism and it is hard playing while people sing! She’s nervous but I know she’ll be great. And our ward has had youth organists for years and is very patient and uplifting to these wonderful youth. 

Christian and jeanne came over on their way out of town to give Matt his Father’s Day gift from them and Lu - a towel warmer! Now Matt has a plate and towel warmer and life couldn’t get much better. 

And tonight Delaney was the first to try out the towel warmer and she said it is chefs kiss.

The girls picked some sweet gifts. They helped make dinner too. Frankie did the salad, adi did garlic bread, and D and I made the lasagna. I love a team effort and today was all team all day. 

We took naps and walks and FaceTimed our favs and ate ice cream cake.

My first attempt at ice cream cake and it was pretty tasty!

We’re so grateful for good dads. I’ve been blessed and surrounded by good dads my whole life. Lucky me. 

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