Tuesday, June 27, 2023

A (Sun)day in the life

Stake Sundays are long but awesome. I had no idea what stake people did before this calling - so here’s a typical Relief Society Sunday.

We had in-person stake council from 7-9. We have stake council every month, and we alternate between in-person and zoom. It takes about an hour to get to most buildings in the stake, so I leave at 6:00. President Cheney is moving, so we got a group picture - he said “I tried to smile!” I feel so very blessed to serve with this crew. 

I had planned to attend Bayside RS and then Calvert Sacrament Meeting and RS, but I got to talking to some of the brothers, and then to Elizabeth for an hour, so I missed Bayside. Oops. They did a scripture chain and I’m gonna try it though

Calvert was wonderful, they have such a fabulous ward - definitely one of my favs. I sat with Sarah during sacrament meeting and Angelise for RS and my cup was overflowing. 

I got home at 3:00 and laid on the couch while Matt finished dinner. It’s taken 17 years to get him making Sunday dinners consistently, but I think we’ve arrived. In preparation for Spain, he made gazpacho and a ham and bean crockpot delight, and then for dessert he and Laney made a chocolate pudding with cookies. The gazpacho was good, it had a great flavor, but I couldn’t do the whole glass and I didn’t like drinking it - I switched to a spoon. 

I had an adult leadership committee meeting to work on our stake service project from 5-6:30, then Matt and I took a nice long walk and caught up on all the things. Family scriptures and then A League of their Own, which is one of my very favorites. Sundays are long, but I really love them. 

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