Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Halloween 2022

I let the girls choose their costumes this year. I love a family theme, but some years it’s nice to let them choose. 

You probably can’t tell because this looks so much like something i would do, but Delaney came up with this all on her own. She created her costume and did her makeup and hair all by herself. 

Adi and Abby decided to be an angel and a devil, Frankie was stuck on She-Hulk, and D is a zombie of course. 

Adi wore last years costume and made herself a halo. So Frankie’s costume was the only one I bought anything for. 

Really getting into character. 


I searched long and hard for a green body suit that would arrive on time and not cost $$$. This guy showed up the night of our trunk or treat, right on time. The purple suit was more than I wanted to spend but we looked at thrift stores and couldn’t find anything that would work. And hopefully we’ll use it for another costume. 

Matt and I got to stay home and pass out candy and it was awesome! 

This is his all purpose costume jacket. 

All the way in Arizona (with Jackie) Emmett was a pirate…

And Carter was his trusty parrot. ๐Ÿ˜

Hayden’s dad walked with them for the first half of the night, and he shared some pictures. When Hayden was ready to go home they were finally able to walk around unsupervised, which they were itching to do because they were so excited!

In other October happenings… the girls love to go down to Johnna’s beach during piano, and sometimes I get fun pictures and videos. 

Adi and I found these skirts on clearance at Target and I asked if she’d mind matching me. I’ll match as long as I can!

Delaney got to go on the 5th grade canoe field trip. 

She forgot to take my parent field trip request form that morning, but Matt had to go to the school that very day, so I asked him to drop it off. Imagine my surprise when I found my field trip request form still in his car a week later. ๐Ÿ‘Ž๐Ÿผ and that is the story about why I wasn’t able to go canoeing. 

We’ve got a few more month’s of elementary school until we’re done for good. It’s hard to believe after so many years. 

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