Monday, January 30, 2023

The rest of the weekend

The girls love making videos and Delaney especially loved dressing up. I wore this dress for Halloween at least one year, if not more. 

I put my mom’s shadow box up. I thought I’d grabbed more of her mini’s to put in there. 🤷‍♀️

My dad sent a fun gift of a cell phone tripod, so we sent a no-hands selfie. 🤗

After we dropped D with Alli in Waldorf we went for a “4 mile” hike at Cedarville State Park. Only our 4 miles somehow turned into 6. It was beautiful and warm’ish and I love being outside with my bae. 

The scouts used to camp there all the time, but I’d never been before, so ✅ on the thing I’ve never done for January. 

While we hiked, my dad sent our group chat a pic of him working the photography club publicity booth. 

Then Lu sent a poker tournament she was volunteering at for one of the boards she sits on. 

Amy of play date hosting …

Adi of drawer organizing…

And Alli and Delaney Target shopping. It was a fun roll call. 

When we got home I made Delaney’s cake. She requested a s’mores cake, so I found a recipe by Cakes with Courtney, who’s recipe I used for the super rich candy bar cake I made for organization training back in October. Courtney likes lots of layers and very very rich flavors. I made a graham cracker crust for the cake, toasted marshmallows to add to one of the fillings, and even homemade fluff that I thought looked so pretty I had to take a picture.

Adi went to babysit, so we decided to take Frankie for a date as we went to pick up Delaney. We hadn’t realized how very uncultured Frankie was until she walked into DQ talking about milkshakes. No, no fair maiden, this is blizzard country. 

Finally, I saw this and sent it to Lexi and Christian. I love when they share their old Facebook posts!

This was Lexi’s gem she sent today. 😂😂😂

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