Friday, January 13, 2023

Honor chorus

I wrote this back in November but never posted it. 🤷‍♀️

I talked to the girls at the beginning of this school year and encouraged them to get involved at school and try new things. As a 5th grader, Delaney has had more opportunities than ever before, and she actually took my advice and has tried just about everything.

She joined chorus for the first time, and decided to try out for honors chorus as well. She had to do a filmed audition and then they accept 6 kids from each elementary school in the county. I really didn’t think she would get in since she’s never been a singer, but we were all happily surprised when she made it. We talked a lot about how it is totally ok and normal to try something and not get it, and also how totally surprised we were that she made it. Mr. Mattera said she’s a really strong and good little singer and he hopes she’ll continue with chorus in middle school. Will wonders never cease?! 

They had rehearsals every week for several weeks, and then, and this is what I think Delaney was most excited about, a full day rehearsal at the high school, and a full day out of 5th grade. Delaney is in the second row, red sweatshirt. 

The night of the concert Sarah and I worked together to check the girls in and reserve a row for all our crews. 

He’s a dork, but he’s my dork. 


The concert was great! Short and sweet and they all did such a good job. 

All night she’d find us with her eyes and smile our way. She was very proud of herself, and we were too!

At some point Frankie fell off her chair? This was from papa. 

These 2 cuties. I was talking to a new friend at Makerspace and she was asking about Delaney’s friends at school. I mentioned Ellie and that they’re not in the same class but have known each other forever and were born just one day apart and I don’t think about it a lot, but they have a really special bond. 

Pictures with our little singer. 

And with papa! 

We tried to think of somewhere fun to go and celebrate, but ended up with ice cream at home. 

So proud of our baby bug!

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