Friday, December 21, 2018

More Christmas stuff

Our new kitchen faucet. 😍😍😍 I wish we could always afford a handyman. It is the absolute best to come home to completed projects every day. 

This morning I finished the grocery shopping and delivered some giving tree gifts. After unloading groceries (least fav) I headed to school to deliver the last 3 teacher scrapbooks (most fav). I love how excited the kids always get to see their teacher look at their page.  

Mr. S’s son is in D’s class, so he knew what I was doing, which was fine. We do our best. 

Everyone loved it, it’s so fun. And during indoor (rainy) recess Frankie was playing heads up. 

Dari shared this hilarious performance the boys did a few years ago at a Christmas party. It must have been when I went to Seattle for Harvey’s Memorial because I missed this awesomeness. 

The last day of school before break means alarms get turned off. Hallelujah!

I picked up our mail today and got a beautiful necklace from my dad. 💕 Gifts are fun. 

It was a beautiful day today, even though it was rainy, it got up to 65! It’s been a busy busy month. Early in the month I sat down and wrote out all the big things I needed to do and bring food or gifts to, find a babysitter for, or otherwise plan for. It’s almost done, and walking to pick the girls up today I actually walked slowly and focused on the warmth of the day. Of course, I also remembered several things I need to do and I purposefully didn’t bring my phone. I suck at slowing down, but I’m working on it. 

I’ve been this guys date for 14 years. Our first date anniversary was last week, and I was gonna surprise him with a hot date to the movies, but my girlfriend that was gonna watch the girls had a sick baby, and nights at home are always good too. 

This was at Matt’s work party a few weeks ago. (I couldn’t find a silver undershirt and the white undershirt wasn’t as noticeable irl). They had a live band this year and it was really loud and felt very clubbish, not my fav. Plus also I’m getting used to my new curly girl status and I’m gaining my winter weight and that’s never fun to dress up. And then to top it off, we didn’t win anything, triple whammy. But I’m still happy to have had girlfriend status with this heartthrob for 14 years. 

Tonight we’re finally watching Home Alone and enjoying being 4 days away from Christmas. 

1 comment:

The Adventures of Smilin' Jack said...

Is that your 'To-Do' list? Yikes!! Way too busy for me!!

Hope you have many, many more dates with your Hunk!!

Merry Christmas!!