Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve pajama edition

The girls have been super crazy all day. This evening I sent them out to run several times because they’ve been jumping and bouncing off the walls. 

It was finally time to open pajamas and we let Lu go first. 

Then the boy. Except neither of these yahoos wear pjs, so they basically get workout gear. (Matt too)

Addie next! She got a rockin pair of Hufflepuff jams. 

Frankie loves her Gryffindor pjs.  

And Lanes was stoked about her Slytherin ones!

We did a little Christmas narration we found in The Friend and then read from Luke 2. 

Delaney’s been in rare form all day. 🙄

Frankie and Lu. (Lu and I matched shirts)

Brian came over and read with us too. It was sweet, even though Bubba is super sick. 

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