Tuesday, July 30, 2024


I had a presidency meeting yesterday morning and then the girls had a dermatologist appointment. After, we went to Marshall’s and did some school shopping, and then this happened. One day at a time!

Adi and Lily started drivers ed. I embarrassed everyone with a quick pic before we left. 3 hours a day for 10 days, let’s go! 

We had leftovers for dinner because I’m really not into cooking this summer. 

I love the new RS social media. I’m always up for reminders. 

Today Adi had an allergist appointment in Waldorf, so we decided to see Twisters at the Waldorf theater first. Our last Tuesday summer movie. ❤️ We got Frankie some shoes from the mall, and then off to Adi’s appt. She reacted the most to cats, dogs, and dust mites and her outdoor allergens all went down. 

We decided to get Adi’s bee blood draw out of the way and headed straight there. She was a nervous but brave little soldier. ❤️ She did decide she didn’t want to drive home though. 

Tonight Sarah, Alecia, and I got ice cream for my birthday. I love these ice cream samplers. 

After, we walked around Leonardtown until it was time to grab the girls from drivers ed. It had been stormy and everything was wet and clean and I love walking with friends. It was a lowkey and lovely evening. 

1 comment:

Debby said...

Happy Birthday Michelle!