Sunday, July 21, 2024

Travel day

Our alarm went off at 2am and we hit the ground running. Delaney was so sleepy, she got dressed and laid on the couch with her to-go chocolate croissant. Ps - the US needs more croissants in our lives. 

Also, I never took pictures at the Soul of Rome apartment but it was very cute. 

Anyway, Matt and I took out the trash, which was no small feat because of all the recycling and organics, and then we walked around the building to get our car from the garage and park it in front for easy loading. We had to get gas on the way to the airport and then there was one guy manning the car rental return place at 3:30am. But we made it nice and early and walked through their mile long duty free sections and the wait began. 

We were all in a row and the little girls had a window seat mate for both flights.

First we had a 3 hour flight to Lisbon that we all slept through. 

Thankfully the flight was very full, so they offered to check bags for us for free, so we checked our small suitcase and Matt and I checked our backpacks too. They said the girls could put theirs under their seats, but with those 3 larger bags gone we only had 3 backpacks and 4 smaller bags. That was lucky because we adventured into Lisbon for brekkie. 

Matt found this Cafe De Lu and for less than €10 we got a bunch of pastries and juices to taste test. 

Then we went around the corner and grabbed a few things from another cafe for later. It was delicious and fun to walk around Lisbon a little. But we only had a 4 hour layover so it was a little stressful and we didn’t stay long. Just our 2 quick cafes and then 15 minute walk back to the airport. 

And success! One weird thing, they had the area for our flight to Dulles all roped off and wouldn’t let us in the little pen till an hour before our flight. And then they rechecked everyone’s passports and we were basically corralled in there. I asked why and they said there were extra security measures, which I guess I am glad about? We tried their traditional Pasteis de Nata again and they were much better than the ones we bought at the airport last year. 

And then we were on our last flight, 8 hours to home! We were in the very last row, which was fine but a little loud by the bathrooms and flight attendant work station. And then all 5 of us wanted pasta, but since we were the last row there was only one pasta left and the rest of us got beef and rice. 

I blogged till this point in the flight, almost halfway. 8 hours is a long time, but we all managed to sleep so it went by faster than I thought it would. 

“There’s always time for a an eye treatment” - Adi Ray

We made it! We landed in Dulles, got through customs and shuttled to pick up our rental, then Matt drove us home via target, chicfila, and Aldi. It was weird landing in the afternoon, we usually come in at night, but I like it this way because we were able to pick up FSY snacks and milk, and then come home and lightly unpack before bed. 

All in all it took 23 hours and 15 minutes. Matt and I joked that we should drive around for another 45 minutes to make it a full 24 hours of traveling. We got to bed by 9, and by 4am 4/5 of us were awake. That’s a good 7 hours though, so I’m not complaining. Hopefully we can push those times back a few hours tonight and be back to normal by tomorrow! 🤞🏼 

What a trip! What a life! Still soaking in all the beauty and joy and family time. 

1 comment:

Debby said...

What a fabulous trip. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I've enjoyed traveling with your family. Welcome home!