Saturday, July 13, 2024


On Thursday we stopped in Bar, Montenegro. I got this cool hand stamped hat and saw a lighthouse. Great day!

Also, the yellow team finished the photo scavenger hunt with this 3 tier cake card I found at the grocery store. #winning

We walked into what we thought was town, but didn’t have much, and then started heading another direction to try to check out some stores. It was another scorcher and when we ran into some other tourists and they said there were no stores that direction, we gave up and hit the beach. 

Matt had left early to get his haircut and then just our family had no cell service at all. I even tried calling Matt, but  it rang and then sounded like 2 foreign people talking. It was the strangest thing and I started to get worried. 

He knew we wanted to hit the beach so we went to a spot close’ish to the ship and sure enough, he found us. So happy!

I had gotten waterproof phone cases so we took my phone in the water with us and that was super fun. 

The water was not warm but not freezing. It was very refreshing on such a hot day. 

Montenegro is beautiful and I would love to spend some time exploring their national parks and touring those mountains, but not for the 8 hours we had that day. 

The beach was super rocky until you got all the way in when the sand got nice and soft. It made for a tricky enter and exit strategy. 

Haha, the baby of our family. 

Some cheer stunts. She’s still got it!

And Delaney was all, now me!

So happy whenever these cute girls get time together!

The water wasn’t the most clear, but we had a super good time. It was Damian’s first time swimming in the ocean and we even convinced him to swim out to the buoys with us. 

Matt had found a cool little flea market, so he swam with the kids while Tom, Jeanne, Damian, Alexis, and I checked it out.  

The flea market was a bust for us, but walking around Bar was pretty cool. 

Our last stop before half the crew headed back was for Turkish ice cream. They are super tricksters and tease you with it, kind of like at a Japanese steakhouse. Lexi ordered hers first and got it the worst, so much so that Quinn almost didn’t get any. 🤣

Amy, sandy, keisti, Frankie, and max left before the beach, then after our adventure Alexis, Jeanne, Tom, Damian and Quinn left, and then it was just the 4 of us. We love any beach time!

We got back and hit the Windjammer and went to the pool and showered and then Delaney enjoyed daiquiris with papa and the crew at karaoke. 

They sang Mean, my favorite taylor Swift song. I was invited but didn’t make it. 

I was enjoying watching the sunset. 

That night we all wore our Seacruising for a bruising shirts Tom made us. We love matchy matchy!

We also love getting together for 8:30 dinners at the end of super amazing days. 

Bar wasn’t the most exciting spot, but we made the best of it. We found out that the usually go to Kotor which is much better, but for some reason the switched to Bar for us. C’est la vie!

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