Monday, July 29, 2024

Well fed

Sunday morning we had stake council at our building and it was sooo nice! And to make matters even better, Josh brought momma Burninghams delicious cinnamon rolls and fruit and juice, it was very sweet and the meeting was good and worthwhile. 

Theeennnn, Chelsea found the elusive coconut Dr Pepper on her way to the airport over the weekend and it was sooo yummy!

Then LP got a new bishop and JoAnn brought sweet breads for the outgoing bishopric and I got swept up in the fun and was luckily included, so I got her yummy sweetbread, I’m so into coconut lately because that one was my favorite. Also, AJ wished me a happy early birthday (because we share our special day!) and I love that she feels comfortable enough to talk to me because she’s so shy. Yay for girls camp!

Then after church we had the missionaries and the Hunts over for a breakfast dinner. Everyone pitched in and we cut a bunch of fruit and I made a million crepes and everyone was happy and the sisters shared a sweet message. 

It was a lovely day where my body and spirit were both well fed. 

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