Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Making it rain

Wednesday’s blog that didn’t post. 

Lexi and Damian are making their way from Arizona back to Montana to tie up the last of their loose ends and pick up their furniture for their big move to Florida. They stayed a night at the McCombs and I’d give up chocolate for a month to get to hang out with them too!

Delaney had a dental appt and then we ran some errands. I’m in search of creamy coconut Dr Pepper, and haven’t been able to find it anywhere so we popped in to Giant to check. Over by the freezer section Delaney says “is that money and the ground?” And she picked it up and it was 3 $100 bills. 😳 they didn’t look real to me, but we googled a pic and they looked like the ones online. We looked around to see if anyone was searching and then went up to the customer service desk where we left my name and number. As of 7pm no one has called. That’s a lot of money and we hope someone will claim it! I’m the meantime, Delaney is giving the money loser 30 days before she claims it as hers. She’s already got it spent. 

It’s been lightly raining on and off since we got home last week. I like rainstorms, not necessarily sprinkles, and it’s also been on the cool side which is nice, but we wanted to chill at home and the pool, and with the rain and cool weather that’s not been happening. 

Ellie came over to play and the girls bounced around doing activities. They abandoned Clue when it started raining again and went and wet bounced on the trampoline. They each went through 3 outfits. 🤷‍♀️

I haven’t made dinner since we got back because whyyyy do I always have to? Matts been working from home and the three of us have all just been grazing all day, sooooo I’m good with no dinner. Ellie wanted a real meal though, so I dropped her and D off for young women. 

And some More cruise photos! Lexi came up with the sad beige motif and we used papas tripod and timer to take some family pictures. 

The professional photographer uses this spot and was coming in about 15 minutes, so we had to hustle. 

Sad that Joe and his family couldn’t make it, but 5/6 isn’t bad. 

And some grandkids! I should have edited these and lightened them up before sharing. Oopsie. 

Papa and the ladies!

A classic. Tom laid down and I quickly hopped on! We were cracking up, I’m surprised we’re not all making dumb faces because we were laughing so hard!

It’s the sewer twins! The “accidentally” splashed each other and waded in the gross Venice canals and earned themselves the sewer twin nickname. They roll with it well. 

Some grandkids on the steps? Yes. 

And then we all jumped in for shots with this dapper Dan. 

We love our papa!

It’s so fun that he and Jeanne have a great relationship too. ❤️

Alli got this great shot of papa. Maybe I should change the title of this blog to an ode to papa. 

Elevator fun! We couldn’t all fit so half would ride and half would climb whenever we traveled together. 

On the way from Venice to Ravenna we split up into two vans and Alli sniped the 20- something’s sleeping. It’s tough being in your 20’s. 😉 

Venice Water taxi to the vans. I wasn’t sure how 18 of us plus 36 pieces of luggage would fit, but it did and our tough lady captain motored us on to where we caught our vans. It was a smooth travel morning. 


So glad we got our cute Burano skirts!

Matching Venice shirts ✅ I washed mine with Adi’s red travel outfit when we got to Rome and accidentally dyed it pink. These young kids today don’t separate colors, but I’ll do it till I die (except when I’m traveling). 

I wonder how people could tell we’re Americans?


Our giant private ferryboat in Santorini. So crazy!

I’ve always wanted to go to Greece! Hopefully I’ll get to spend some more time there someday, it’s beautiful. 

So. Much. Gelato. I should have kept track. Basically gelato was a yes thing. Unless we needed to eat dinner first (and sometimes even then) we yessed all gelato requests. 

Oh Maxwell. 

I wish I’d gotten a pic of my crew in all our different colors. 

I wanna go back! The adult pool was the way to go!

Sewer twins being cray cray our last morning. 

And finally - the crew heading back to Venice after the cruise, minus the 5 Rays. 

I’m usually the one suggesting the pictures, but I’m loving seeing the pictures everyone else took. ❤️

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