Thursday, August 1, 2024

46 and 5:00

It was a lovely July 31st. I spent the morning celebrating with Alecia. 

Then the afternoon celebrating at Salsas. I decided to get nachos because it was my birthday and I can do what I want. Also, Alecia encouraged/made me wear Josh’s “It’s my birthday” shirt. 🤣

It was actually a going away lunch for Nicole before she moves to Japan, being on my birthday was just a happy coincidence. 

Alecia had like 40 minutes before she had to pick Lily up so we went down to the wharf and walked around till she had to go. 
When I got home I found the girls working on my cake and Matt smack dab in the middle of raising the shed, a project that’s been on our to do lists for years. Felt like a weird day to decide on a project, but I wasn’t home and when I did get home and found everyone busy, I retired for a birthday nap. 

My birthday twin Steve and his crew brought lumpia and pancit over for dinner and it was delicious. Then we were going to head to the pool, but whomp whomp. it’s been closed since a pump broke on Sunday and it was supposed to be up and running by Wednesday but the part was delayed. So we plan B’d and the kids jumped on the trampoline with the hose and the adults played Skull King.

The pool being closed ended up not being a deal at all because, even though it was supposed to be a completely clear evening, right around 7:15 it started thundering. Matt still had shed stuff all over the lawn. We thought, no way it’s gonna rain! And we were wrong. It thundered for a good 15 minutes before the rain started. So then the 9 of us (adi was at drivers ed) braved the thunder, lightning, and rain, and loaded everything back into the shed. We pretty much rocked it, it took less than 5 minutes. And we couldn’t help but laugh about the ridiculousness of the situation. You can’t really tell, but it’s crazy storming behind us and we’re soaking wet here. 

I was very impressed with the cake the girls made me! I sent them a recipe and had very low expectations. But look at this beauty!

It has an M on it. ❤️

Anyways, the kids went outside to play in the rain and we joined them on the porch to enjoy the storm. 

They were dancing and jumping in the gutters.

Lemonade out of lemons, we still had a great night!

It was coming down!

And whenever cars drove by they jumped up and down and waved at them. 

The very definition of frolicking. 

When the lightning got super close we called everyone up. Delaney and Bryn ventured back out and then a strike hit close and loud and they both came running back to the porch. 🤣

Look at that! Beautiful! Since they used a box cake mix and made 3 layers, the cake was a smidge overdone, but overall it was really good. I was happy!

The kids watched the Sandlot and the adults talked and the Dorns didn’t leave till almost midnight and it was a really great birthday from start to finish. I’m so blessed. 

The girls had a few gifts for me, so before bed I opened them and this is what Adi had wrapped:

She’d already gone to bed, so then we were all left to wonder what the gift and the maintenance was going to be. It turns out it’s lavender - my favorite! And between 1 and 2 years of maintenance, because she’ll move out after 2 years. 😳 

At 5:00 this morning the 5 of us were rudely awoken to the obnoxious sound of every smoke detector in the house beeping relentlessly and alternating with the robotic “fire, fire!” every few seconds. It’s so disorienting to wake up that way! We looked all around and found there was no fire anywhere and after a quick google search we were able to find the offending detector and replace the battery. We all ended up going back to sleep till 9, so that was nice. 

Our service project this week was to watch the Beal kids. Their family is moving and our girls love Kellyn, so that was an easy choice. 

I hardly did anything to babysit, the girls took really good care of everyone. 

Adi and Frankie took the big kids to the library and then Delaney took them out for hose jumping on the trampoline since the pool is still closed. That free trampoline, I tell ya!

We had chicken quesadillas for dinner and after we dropped the Beals off we picked up Ellie to play. We watched Olympics and picked up the drivers ed crew and I actually did laundry and vacuumed, so go me. 

1 comment:

FloridaMimi said...

Happy Birthday! Sounds like a great couple of days!